Did you know that businesses in El Cerrito can put food scraps and food-soiled paper along with yard trimmings in their green waste carts for weekly curbside collection AND it’s the law?
Removing organic material from the landfill is a top priority for all of California. When organic material like food waste and green waste is landfilled, it breaks down and creates Methane – a greenhouse gas 80x more powerful than Carbon Dioxide. More methane creates greater climate changes leading to droughts and wildfires.
Do your part to stop climate change by placing your food scraps, yard waste and food-soiled paper in your green cart! Composting produces a soil amendment for farmers and helps reduce greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.
Effective January 1, 2022, a new law (SB 1383) requires that all Californian’s properly sort their organic waste for composting from materials that go to the landfill.
Put all your organics into your green cart.
Do not overfill; make sure that the lid closes securely when placed at the curb for collection.
Please remember that any materials extending beyond the rim of any cart will be subject to an extra charge or cause your cart to not be serviced.
Visit our Commercial Service Guidelines page to review the cart options and set out rules for business customers.
Residents of El Cerrito can put food scraps and food-soiled paper along with yard trimmings in their green waste cart for weekly curbside collection. Please remember that any materials extending beyond the rim of any cart will be subject to an extra charge or your cart not being picked up.
These materials can be placed in the green waste/food scraps cart.
These materials are not allowed in the green waste/food scraps cart.
Did we miss collecting your organics and or garbage cart(s) or did you forget to set them out?
If you have extra green waste that does not fit inside your cart, you must call East Bay Sanitary office at least one (1) business day before your collection day and before 2:00 p. m.
On occasion, our driver might tag your cart when a cart is overloaded and you will be charged for the extra green waste even though an order was not called in.
Check out the Materials Guide for information about recycling and garbage services in El Cerrito. Available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.
© 2024 East Bay Sanitary Company, Inc.