What Belongs in Garbage
Only place materials that cannot be reused or recycled in your trash.
Below are a few of the things that belong in your garbage/landfill cart. This list is not exhaustive.
- Plastic bags*
- Plastic Film/Wrap
- Mylar (shiny metal) bags or wrappers (potato chips, candy bars, etc)
- Ceramic dishware or glassware
- Glass mirrors and windows (in small pieces double bagged in brown paper bags)
- Cat litter and animal feces (bagged)
- Feminine Hygiene Products
- Diapers
- Plastic Straws
- Plastic utensils
- Hangers (Metal hangers may be dropped off at the Drop-Off Recycling Center.)
- Garden Hoses
- “Biodegradable” or compostable bags
- Sponges
- Styrofoam™ may also be dropped off at the Drop-Off Recycling Center. Proof of residency required.
*EMPTY, CLEAN and DRY plastic bags may be returned to your local grocery store for recycling. You can use the directory on PlasticFilmRecycling.org to find a drop off location near you.

What Doesn’t Belong in Garbage
No food, recyclables, or household hazardous waste in garbage.
Below are a few of the things that do not belong in your garbage / landfill cart. This list is not exhaustive.
- Food scraps
- Food-Soiled paper
- Yard waste
- Plant trimmings
- Recyclable Plastic bottles, jugs, or tubs
- Recyclable Glass bottles or containers
- Recyclable Aluminum or metal containers
- Recyclable cardboard, glass, metal, paper or plastic
- Cooking oil or grease
- Motor oil
- Electronics
- Bulky trash items
- Household Hazardous Waste (HHW): fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) or tubes, batteries, paint, pesticides, cleaning products or electronics. All of these items must be delivered to the West Contra Costa Household Hazardous Waste Facility