The City of El Cerrito provides recycling collection and processing of your recyclable materials to all residential customers who live within the city limits.
Residential recycling is collected weekly from the curbside on the same day as garbage and green waste/food scraps collection from East Bay Sanitary.
Please contact the City for any recycling service issues such as missed collections.
PHONE: 510.215.4350
To make sure that your recyclables are ready for recycling, please be sure they are:
Keep it loose. Keep it clean. Keep it dry.
Below are a few of the things that belong in your recycling cart. This list is not exhaustive.
*May also be dropped off at the Drop-Off Recycling Center.
Please note not all items accepted at the El Cerrito Recycling (Drop-Off) Center are included in the curbside program.
No food or garbage in your recycling.
It is very important that our recycling is clean and free of contamination. See below for more information.
Please note, not all items accepted at the El Cerrito Recycling (Drop-Off) Center are included in the curbside program. Don’t put the following items in your recycling cart instead bring them to the Drop-Off Center: batteries, fluorescent tubes & lamps (CFLs), electronics, large pieces of scrap metals, medications, needles & sharps, used cooking oil, non-perishable food for the Food Bank Donation barrel, and clothing / textiles & shoes.
Below are a few of the things that do not belong in your recycling cart.
*Styrofoam™ may also be dropped off at the Drop-Off Recycling Center. Proof of residency required.
Contamination is the term used to describe anything that renders your recycled items non-recyclable. Besides ruining good material, contamination increases labor costs at processing plants as workers try to separate contaminated material from good material.
Contamination typically occurs when:
The City of El Cerrito provides your recycling collection and processing.
Please contact the City for any recycling service issues such as missed collections.
PHONE: 510.215.4350
Save up your extra recyclables and utilize the free, once-a-year curbside pick-up for households and businesses within El Cerrito. Learn more about this program offered by the City of El Cerrito. Need to get rid of recyclable sooner? Drop them off at the Drop-Off Recycling Center.
Check out the Materials Guide for information about recycling and garbage services in El Cerrito. Available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.
HHW cannot go in the garbage.
Tuesdays only HHW may be dropped off at the El Cerrito Recycling + Environmental Resource Center.
Wednesday – Saturday only HHW may be dropped off at the West Contra Costa County Household Hazardous Waste Facility.
© 2024 East Bay Sanitary Company, Inc.