While not everything can be recycled or composted, a lot can. If you separate your waste properly, you may be able to save money by getting a smaller garbage cart. Visit our Residential Services page to review the cart options, set out rules and how to stop, start or change service for residential customers.
East Bay Sanitary provides a black cart for the weekly curbside collection of garbage, or non-recyclable and non-compostable items. All items placed in this cart will go directly to the landfill.
Put all your garbage into your black cart.
Do not overfill; make sure that the lid closes securely when placed at the curb for collection.
Please remember that any materials extending beyond the rim of any cart will be subject to an extra charge or cause your cart to not be serviced.
Visit our Residential Services page to review the cart options and set out rules for residential customers.
Only place materials that cannot be reused or recycled in your trash.
Below are a few of the things that belong in your garbage/landfill cart. This list is not exhaustive.
*EMPTY, CLEAN and DRY plastic bags may be returned to your local grocery store for recycling. You can use the directory on PlasticFilmRecycling.org to find a drop off location near you.
No food, recyclables, or household hazardous waste in garbage.
Below are a few of the things that do not belong in your garbage / landfill cart. This list is not exhaustive.
When the wrong items are placed in garbage, it can be harmful to the environment and those processing garbage at the landfill. California’s SB 1383 Organics Law requires all generators of waste (businesses, public entities, and single/multifamily residents) to properly sort their waste.
Did we miss collecting your organics and or garbage cart(s) or did you forget to set them out?
If you have extra garbage that does not fit inside your cart, you must call East Bay Sanitary office at least one (1) business day before your collection day and before 2:00 p. m.
On occasion, our driver might tag your cart when a can is overloaded and you will be charged for the extra garbage even though an order was not called in.
All customers of East Bay Sanitary are entitled to a certain amount of free pick ups of trash and large items (such as furniture or appliances) per calendar year at no additional cost and expense. Learn more about your Free Pick Up options here.
Check out the Materials Guide for information about recycling and garbage services in El Cerrito. Available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.
HHW cannot go in the garbage.
Tuesdays only HHW may be dropped off at the El Cerrito Recycling + Environmental Resource Center.
Wednesday – Saturday only HHW may be dropped off at the West Contra Costa County Household Hazardous Waste Facility.
© 2024 East Bay Sanitary Company, Inc.